Thursday, 25 February 2010

Week 20 Day 6

Managed 5 miles at lunch time.

I have been given some very high tech socks.

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Week 20 Day 2

Longest run yet today, 15 miles. Last 4 were difficult, but no pain no gain!

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Sunday, 14 February 2010

Week 19 Day 6

Running in North Wales while on a long weekend away. Made it 13.4 miles in around 2 hours. Tried some energy gells for the first time, a positive experiance. Pleased with the run overall apart from the large blisters!!!

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Sunday, 7 February 2010

Week: 18 Day: 5

Getting back into the long runs now, 10.32 miles thus afternoon, Reddish to Chorlton and back along the old railway line route.

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